You also get money by liberating government offices and imposing tolls on the roads in regions you control.

As your popular support rises, so does your income. You also strike at the people's enemies, specifically warlords who prey upon children (like those in Afghanistan) drug kingpins (like those in Afghanistan) feudal landowners, exploitative business interests (mining companies, fruit companies etc.) the oppressive regime and their foreign puppeteers all of whom care very little for the people which is the reason there is a rebel army in the first place. During this stage, you have to be careful to avoid commandeering too much and have to police your own forces very carefully to ensure that the people don't inform on you and/or form anti-guerrilla militias. If you want a successful revolution, you listen to the people, find out what their problems are and do your best to help them.
In fact, it's not really a plan for a rebellion at all but rather, a plan for how to destabilize a country with billions of dollars and paid terrorists like the contras in Nicaragua during the 1980s. Wow! That is a very poorly thought out plan for rebellion. With the win conditionion being destroying the enemies reputation. Or the enemy taking a long time to stabilize zones. with it increasing when you take cities or manage to hold mass swaths of land. Reputation could instead be a the foreign powers confidence of your rebellion in breaking the enemies. You also wouldnt be getting any monthly income so thats your only way of getting money. Originally posted by Memelord Stalin:Id imagine itd be like a breakout of the mountains, and trying to appease your foreign supporters by doing specific tasks like "destroy trade office" in exchange of say 30 dollars. Makes this game look like the child game it is. If anyone wants the rebel experience, try it out. I found my fix in Jagged Alliance 2 instead. Manage the revolution, decide where to allocate resources. I waste time in the incredibly shallow login bonus disguised as a mini-game which is the "Bandido managment" screen in Far Cry 6 so being able to play Rebel Inc as a the rebels would definitely be a selling point. Or just as Just Cause is actually a hidden critique of CIA-methods. Just as GTA was a satire on American Dream. It is a satire/polemic of the methods imperialists use in counter-insurgency. I don´t know how the normal game works.Ĭomrade you don't need the rebel scenario for this to enjoy the game. Survival when foreign powers try to root you out. Have different scenarios like "communist rebels fighting the government" "american civil war against the US military" "Unrighteous rebel, stronger but populace don´t really like you" Getting support from the populace to get resources. The kind of gameplay I was hoping for when seeing the title and seeing the screenshots: That is a game where you diagnose and treat disease, but you can also play the other side, trying to infect the patient. I played Bio Inc, which I actually thought were the same developer but I just realized they are not. Originally posted by AllYourToothbrushAreBelongToUs:Well, I barely know how you play normally so.